Researchers have shown that a cup of tea with fish, fruit, and vegetables can boost our battle to keep being healthy.
Scientists have discovered that tea can really help save lives. Researchers have shown that a cup of tea with fish, fruit, and vegetables can boost our battle to keep being healthy.
A two-year study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that people who had a healthy diet of fruit, vegetables, and black tea have less chance of developing heart failure compared to people who consumed a diet of meat, cheese, and processed foods.

Heart disease is a major British health problem. It is the biggest killer and the most common cause of early deaths. One out of five men and one in seven women in Britain die from heart disease. There are about 95,000 deaths a year, all due to any form of heart disease.
Tea drinking members of the population are only too happy for the great news. Tea has long been recognized for the benefits it brings to our general health. Research has shown that four cups a day significantly reduced the risk of heart attack, keeps hydration at a healthy, optimal level and even improves alertness and mood. It has also been shown to improve other chronic health conditions and have properties that help to combat cancer. In the United Kingdom, Black tea is the drunkest liquid after water.
Black tea, green tea, what have you drink it. It’s good for your health.(From Daily Express, UK)